Bill K. Griffith is a motivational speaker, podcast host, and coach to many! Referred to as Coach Griff by his current and former players, Bill has always been an inspiration. He has two sons who occasionally call him Coach Griff as they like to say, “That’s you, Daddy.” Beyond sports, Coach Griff has succeeded in the business world of sales and the entertainment industry as an emcee and voice-over artist. Now he has been called to speak his truths of life to anyone that has the desire to change.

Bill K. Griffith on the cover of News Wire Magazine

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Cope Hope or Dope Podcast

Cope Hope of Dope Podcast with Bill K. Griffith Bill K. Griffith is launching the Cope Hope or Dope Podcast this month! The last year Bill has gone through a spiritual transformation, during which he has gone within himself to seek the answers to his everyday struggles. Having success in every aspect of his life, he has also experienced failures. Struggling with addiction and depression most of his adult life, he is now motivated to talk about how we all have the inner tools to heal ourselves. During meditation, three words appeared across the screen of his mind, COPE, HOPE, DOPE.


Creating Opportunities in Present Events are daily practices that help anyone maintain a higher level of consciousness; awareness to maintain a higher level of consistent actions.


Healing Observations Pursuing Everything is the download we can receive from our creator to pursue our most excellent path. We are all born with six gifts, Imagination, Intuition, Memory, Will, Reason, and Perception. We can all tap into this endless supply of resources through meditation and slowing the wheels of our minds.


Destroying Opportunities Purely Evil can be substance abuse, drugs or alcohol, or negative thoughts or emotions that can destroy the opportunities available for a better life. These three words are the primary basis of this podcast as we will explore and lead us all to a better way of living. One of the main objectives of this podcast is to help people break through personal limitations we put on ourselves. By no stretch do we want to put any restrictions on our platform. We want us all to be great! We want everyone to achieve more than the status quo. Too many times, we make decisions in life that make us feel safe and comfortable. Finding a way to be comfortable being uncomfortable is where we find the necessary growth. Life tests us daily; we can either Cope, Hope, or Dope. I intend to open our minds to the ability to Cope and pursue a better life properly.

Bill K. Griffith

Bill K. Griffith Inspires The Nation

Bill continues to mentor and coach young men in the football world and assists them in their recruiting process. His overall mission has transitioned into speaking to his audiences about mental awareness and defeating addiction. He does help athletes on a personal one-on-one basis to improve their athletic skills, simultaneously addressing the mental edge one can possess by grasping the inner spirit within. Bill often refers to a book by David Hawkins, Power vs. Force to help his students learn the emotions that elevate the higher frequencies. Coach Griff finds enormous satisfaction in speaking to athletic teams, schools, and organizations about achieving this more heightened awareness.


I have become cautious of the way I think and feel toward almost any circumstance in my life. Electric and magnetic energy is broadcasted into the quantum field, and we receive what we promote in return. If we are hateful,

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What is Change? I often ask myself questions to understand the meaning of a word we hear daily. Today is January 2nd. No question this word has popularity from social media to sports broadcasts to everyday conversations. Like most people,

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We were all born with two basic fears—the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. Our creator gave us these fears for protection, no matter what time and space our species live in. Awareness of loud noises could

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